Create My Photobooks- A Heritage Makers Blog

Your Personal Publishing Consultant

My photo
Heritage Makers is an online digital storybooking company that helps people capture the stories and photos of their lives in a custom digital book that you create yourself online. All of your projects are created in our user friendly publishing system with NO software to install. The process is simple: upload your photos into an online photo album, select your project, and layout your pages in our creative center. So get those photos out of the basement, out of the boxes and off the computer and create something wonderful!


A sample of a baby brag book. Click here to view complete book

Ryan's 16th Birthday book I here to view complete book

My son's Cub Scout Book- from Wolf cub to earning his arrow of light award to his crossing over ceremony to Boy Scouts. I am so proud of him! Click on the link

Create your own motivational photo's of your child 
A 16x20 custom canvas

12x12 scrapbook page- this looks great modge podged on a 12x12 tile and displayed with a plate stand 

An example of an 8x8 canvas 
Again a 12x12 scrapbook page on a tile 
Create a Family Tree using a premade template. This is a 16x20 poster